Do a Google search and compile a list of all the "peace talks" concluded by enemy nations during your mother's lifetime, and then ask her why the Korean peace talks are any different. That might cure her JW speculation.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Mother is terrified over talks of peace.
by Searching injust spoke with my mother about the summit for north and south korea, her face turned a ghastly pale and she refused to talk to me about it afterwards.
i know exactly what is on her mind, and i'm not sure if i can say or do anything to assuage her fears about this being a fulfillment of prophecy.
any suggestions on what i could perhaps tell her to try and steer her from her line of thinking?
Wt video this week big problem.
by poopie inproblem with this week's video on counsel.
why did they emphasize the counsel and not the fact that those who were watching movie should have followed christ counsel at mathew 5 go to your brother instead they ratted on the guy to an elder and let him do dirty just totally ignore jesus words..
The Fall Guy
JW mentality is conditioned to respond just like the scumbags of Nazi Germany, communist USSR, and the McCarthy witch-hunts - rat on anyone you can, and boost yourself in the eyes of the hierarchy as being "loyal" to the cause.
Older Watchtowers and Awakes added on Online library
by AuntBee inwt back to 1950, aw back to 1970, like the cd rom library... .
The Fall Guy
Good find.
"You owe Jehovah humility and HONESTY" - an email from a JW
by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho inhey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
The Fall Guy
Hey WHAM, if you don't mind, I'll PM you my 14 favourite scriptural/literature questions & answers in the next few minutes - contradictions which I'll gladly present to any (unfamiliar) J.W.'s who couldn't rat on me for pointing out such 'evil slave' dogma.
JWs studying with a neighbor: what should I do?
by john.prestor inso let me introduce myself first: i've lurked here for years because i'm working on a long-term research project concerning jehovah's witnesses and i've collected data from this site (seriously, you guys are awesome, i've learned so much from this forum i never would have learned otherwise).
i've also collected data at multiple kingdom halls and read scholarly works on jehovah's witnesses and non-scholarly works as well (e.g., crisis of conscience).
so i have a pretty good sense of jehovah's witnesses even though i was not raised in this faith nor did i ever join up.
The Fall Guy
Welcome to the forum, John. The advice you've received and used has been very good. Keep us updated on any further developments.
Has anyone seen this?
by wokeup ingoogle: vintage freemason compilation collinsworth family.. several pages into the program has a familiar face..
The Fall Guy
Is this real or has it been photoshopped? It looks like something CTR used in his business model.
Why NO bibles??
by stuckinarut2 ini know we have all said it before, but it simply blows my mind that the jws doing cart work do not have bibles on the cart to give out to interested ones!.
how can they say they are "bible students" trying to share the "bibles message" and not give out bibles!?.
other christian groups take the commission to share the bible seriously!
The Fall Guy
The vast majority of JW's (in my experience) were not "Bible students," they were literature students. Now they are "tablet students."
2018 Courage Convention video invitation
by Listener inthe video invitation for the 2018 convention is just creepy.
i thought it was some parody at first as it seems 'dark'.it begins with a young man being pushed whilst standing at his locker and the voice over says that 'in critical times we need courage more than ever'.
next, comes a clip of a male putting his hand on the shoulder of a female worker, the look she gives him would be enough to give him nightmares for the next year.
The Fall Guy
J.W.'s, "Be Courageous" and start asking yourselves serious questions about the teachings & direction of the religion you joined 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago. It is not the same one today, is it?
Tele-evangelism is the order of the day for the preaching work, the CLAM meetings, and every assembly & convention. Video has replaced the Bible as the org's principle teaching method.
JW's - Are you in a "THEOCRATIC arrangement" or an AUTOCRATIC one?
by The Fall Guy ini now know which system i was under!.
theocratic/theocracy: a system of government in which priests rule in the name of god or a god.
(oxford dictionary).
The Fall Guy
I now know which system I was under!
Theocratic/Theocracy: A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. (Oxford Dictionary)
Didn't Jesus allegedly begin ruling as High Priest in God's name in 1914? Sorry, I forgot that Mr. Rutherford elected his own "theocratic" priesthood 4 years later - when he & his henchmen hijacked the org after getting out of the pokey!
Autocratic/Autocracy: Taking no account of other people's wishes or opinions; domineering. (O.D.)
Typical characteristics of an autocracy:
1) Little or no input from group members
2) Leaders make almost all of the decisions
3) Group leaders dictate all the work methods and processes
4) Group members are rarely trusted with decisions or important tasks
5) Work tends to be highly structured and very rigid
6) Creativity and out-of-the box thinking tend to be discouraged
7) Rules are important and tend to be clearly outlined and communicated
Do these characteristics sound familiar?
You have to smile at the irony of this article!!
by The Fall Guy inawake 22nd april 1970 p. 8 changes that disturb people .
"why is there this decline in religion?
…..millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong....a businessman in medellín, colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many......"just ten years ago we catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this.
The Fall Guy
Jehovah's Witnesses are not only oblivious to the fact that their org has changed the historical date of Jerusalem's destruction to 607 BCE, but also that their hierarchy can alter meanings in the English language! According to virtually every definition, the word CHRISTENDOM effectively means being a part of Christianity. -
1: Christianity
2: The part of the world in which Christianity prevails
...the "Christian world": worldwide community of Christians, the adherents of Christianity, the Christian-majority countries, the countries in which Christianity dominates or prevails... - The worldwide body or society of Christians.
Jehovah's Witnesses' indoctrination teaches them that the word CHRISTENDOM is a derogatory term which describes false Christianity and false Christians.
Wake up JW's - you are all members of Christendom!